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I am looking for...

Arches for Novagril tunnels or peppers (1850 units)[ITEM #16780]

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Lot of arches (approximately 1,850) to cover between 1/3 and 2/3 of a hectare, or nearly an acre to 1 1/2 acre or 36,000 square feet to 71,000 square feet…For support a Novagril canvas, be used as a mini-tunnel or as a stake for peppers, tomatoes, etc…They are 30 inches wide and 38 inches high…They can be positioned every 1 meter between them (1/ 3 covered hectare) or 2 meters (2/3 covered hectare)…The 4 eyelets are used to support a rope, for peppers for example…Very solid, the set includes the sandbags (to contain the Novagril ) and the trailer (which needs tires)…They were paid $14 ($25,900) and were little used because they abandoned the cultivation of peppers…Sold in inseparable lots at $8/unit, i.e. 14 $800 for everything.

Dimensions including trailer: L: 29 feet…W: 99…H: 94

  • Status : None
  • Brand: T-Steel
  • Model: 38 pouces
  • State: Used

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