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I am looking for...

Falc bed shaper 6 rows for carrot[ITEM #13768]



Falc bed shaper at 30 inches from a G4500 roto-tiller…Rotor removed, you only have the bed shaper and it works great!…30 inches (75cm) all teflon which provide beds of 16 inch wide by 6 inch height…All adjustable on any angle…Front disks for anti-backflow soil…Yetter markers never used included…Everything is perfect and ready for the field, very well maintained…Check our video for more details!…We clear customs and ship everywhere in USA and Canada, do not hesitate to contact us!

Dimensions: W:189…L: 72…H: 64

  • Status : Sold
  • Brand: Falc
  • Model: G 4500
  • State: Used

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