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I am looking for...

Kongskilde weeder 6 rows[ITEM #15595]



Kongskilde brand weeder, 6 rows every 30 inches, Vib-Ro-Crop model…This machine has been very well maintained, there is little slack…The bearings wheels are all in perfect conditions, the wear of the theeths is minimal just like the rest of the machine (see video)…The protective deflector (suns) protect the plants against earthen embankments when the speed is excessive…The weeder is hitched on the 3 points, equipped with depth wheels to avoid work too deep…Watch our video on Youtube for more details! We clear customs and ship everywhere in North America.

Dimensions: W: 193…L:57…H: 42 inches

  • Status : Sold
  • Brand: Kongskilde
  • Model: Vib-Ro-Crop
  • State: Used

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